"I said yes to coaching because I was at the end of my rope. I had no one else to talk to that could help me.
My friend told me about you and said I have someone that you need to talk to and I felt like she threw me a lifeline. By the time I talked to you and felt your energy, I felt like a person that was in the water and your drowning and your coming up for the third time hoping that there’s a hand, a lifeline, a lifesaver, something and I felt like with you, you put your hand in and I had someone to reach and you helped pull me out of my despair. Because at that moment I didn’t know what to do, I was so full of angst, so full of all these negative emotions. I needed someone to help me to pull me out of it and to help me make sense of everything and that’s what you did for me.
After coaching the biggest result in my life - is that I can breathe, number one, and number two, I am not in the water drowning, I am standing on firm ground.
And I used to think having someone help you, in the capacity you have, omg that is money wasted. It is not money wasted at all because I needed a lifeline, I needed someone in my corner, someone who has been there done that and is like ‘Hey, I have a roadmap, I can get you through it.”
You helped me to get that gold back into my golden years. If it wasn’t for you I think I’d still be in the water drowning. I would probably be in Davy Jones’s locker."
Joslyn Spencer
Before I worked with Coach Wendy, sometimes I felt like I had PTSD. I felt that I wasn’t enough, stuck, wanting to find passion.
I was unhappy, thought life was passing me by and I was depressed.
I finally said yes to coaching because I wanted more and this was my time to get unstuck.
As a result of coaching I feel like life is moving forward. I’m finally participating in my life. My marriage has improved. I’m blooming with what my passion is.
'You are an amazing coach. You've kept me going. I can't say, "Thank you," enough. You truly have had my back and looked out for my highest and best good. You've given me amazing insights, encouragement, compassion, guidance and advice that has all been exactly what I needed.'
Laura P.

Coach Wendy,
I believe you have a gift......your approach is soft and direct at the same time. I love how you phrase the questions and handle the resistance.
I could go on and on!
Sarah H.
I feel like I have been working on this coming to terms with the role reversal for a while. I feel like I have fully embraced the role reversal and now have permission, so to speak, to operate fully from that space.
Nancy Oswianowski, Founder
RoundTable Consulting, LLC
Whether consciously or unconsciously, I am making steps toward a purposeful life.
I don’t often see or give myself credit for the steps I take to lead me to a decision. Thanks for pointing out how far I had gotten.
I’m learning to be kind to myself.
Even though I may have had the pieces all along, you helped turn them into a finished puzzle.
Carrie B.

I think I am understanding the whole situation a bit better and accepting it more. It's made me more relaxed so that I don't fight with myself. I go with the flow now.
I definitely would recommend this course to a friend. Wendy is very knowledgeable and she has a nice way of talking to people, very comforting. That's what people need when they are going through this.
Cathy Gunter
I am experiencing happiness and am less stressed as a result of separating work & personal life. I get to spend a lot of time with my family. I am happy & enjoy my life.
Thank you for helping me realize things and helping me get things into perspective.
Frankie D.
Before I coached with Wendy, I was constantly worried: How I was going to ever get my new home livable? How there was ever going to be free time? How I could ever entertain again?
This was a very stressful time in my life. Everything was so much harder than it is now. As in, if you need tylenol where in there world is it?
I finally said yes to coaching when I realized I was worth spending money and time on to get what I wanted.
After coaching, I feel confident to deal with challenges. I have peace of mind and confidence. I also noticed that when I’m faced with a challenge, I can break it down and figure it out much more easily.
One of my favorite aspects of coaching was figuring out the why behind holding on to possessions. It was peaceful and good to let them go.
Kathy E., R.N.
Wendy has helped me so much that words are not enough to express how I feel at this time. I was very hard on myself and had expectations that we're unattainable because of the way I was approaching them. I can now say I've hit some of those expectations and have more in my sights.
Jennifer M.
Before I coached with Wendy, I was emotionally and mentally exhausted all the time. I didn't like who I was as a person. I had very little self confidence.
These challenges were impacting my life because I couldn't get anything done. I was depressed most of the time and disorganized in all aspects of my life.
I said yes to coaching because I was finally fed up with feeling and living that way.
After coaching with Wendy, I feel much better with who I am and my self confidence has grown immensely.
My favorite aspect of coaching was being pushed to the edge of my abilities.
Jeri S.